Tag Archives: love

Second Sunday Suppers

12 Feb

By Jackie Sorensen

In February our thoughts naturally turn to “LOVE”, often of the romantic nature, but I wanted to share some thoughts about creating loving family relationships, especially for those of us with blended families. First, a brief family history: I have a 28 year old daughter, and the man I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with (Mike) has 3 children, 30, 32 and 34 years of age respectively. His oldest daughter and her husband have a 6 year old son. Mike and I have been together 10 years. Two of our daughters got married in 2013 within 4 months of each other (Aug. and Dec.) so when it came time for gift-giving this past Christmas, both time and money was in short supply. So, in a rare moment of early morning silence only days before Christmas, I sat down to consider a meaningful and possibly creative gift for my family that didn’t involve the combat zone of the mall or maxing out the credit card.  I also wanted to in some way honor my ongoing commitment to trying to knit together our blended families so that our parents (ages 82 and 95), siblings, children, grandson, and hopefully, future grandchildren will know the blessing of a loving and well-connected extended family.

And so was born Second Sunday Suppers.  My gift to my family was to cook dinner for them all every second Sunday of the month for the year 2014.  An essential component of this gift was that there was absolutely no obligation on their part: no need to RSVP, no need to bring a dish or chip in money, no need to help clean up, and no guilt for just not showing up at all. Some of our family live out of town, but were invited in case they were ever in the area on that day. Transportation would be provided for our more elderly family members, but all others did have to get to our house by their own means.  This would be a simple meal with the sole purpose of enjoying each other’s company.  If no one came, we would have plenty of leftovers!

And now, a Second Sunday Supper progress report: In January, I served spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread and strawberry shortcake for a party of 7. Since it was our first meal I did send out a group email with a reminder and those who were coming were gracious enough to let me know.  My heart was gladdened when Mike’s daughter responded with, “Are you kidding? We already have all of the dates marked on our calendar!” Last night we had our second Second Sunday Supper with a different configuration of 8 family members. My daughter and her husband were attending an out-of-town wedding this weekend and texted, “Oh man, we’re going to miss Second Sunday Supper!”  I decided to use February’s meal (and future ones) as an opportunity to try at least 1 new recipe and so made a pot of roasted butternut squash soup, together with rotisserie chicken from Costco, potatoes and carrots, and make-your-own ice cream sundaes (big hit).  My family typically shows up right at 5:00 pm and stays until 7-7:30. Time has been spent around the dinner table catching up with each other, talking about how school and new jobs are progressing, reminiscing about the past, and….Papa and his grandson learning and performing magic tricks together!

At the end of the evening I choose to believe everyone leaves with a full stomach, ribs and jaws which ache from so much laughter, and a joy-filled heart and spirit.  I know that I do.  Little did I know that this would be not only a labor of love, but a precious gift of love for me as well.

Yardsticking My Way To 60

8 Aug

This is a two-part blog post related to the fact I turned 60 last month.  I find that fact almost incomprehensible.  I’ve lived fully and forever, but wasn’t I just 40 a couple of years ago?  60 is definitely a milestone birthday.  Frankly I’m not sure why every birthday isn’t a milestone birthday.  Birthdays serve as yardsticks, measuring where we are and where we’ve come from.   It’s funny how we have assigned the most significance to decade birthdays.  But, like the rest of society, I’ll give this decade birthday its due. 

 I’ve been yardsticking (yes, that is officially now a verb) the amount of love I have in my life as compared to my younger years.   I’m a little stunned by the outpouring of love and affection my friends and family have demonstrated.   The blog post immediately preceding this one was written by my friend and Be Brave. Lose the Beige business partner, Jackie.  I’ve probably read it 20 times, more and more awed each time by her description of me as an “angel on earth”.

 My friends Susan and Suzan whisked my husband and me away on an all expense paid weekend retreat at a Ritz Carlton.  The lunches, spa treatments, cards, facebook posts, and gifts from dear friends, family, and my 20 year poker pals have made me feel rich in so many ways. 

 So, in spite of the “Sixty Sucks” mug made for me by my dear friend, Suzi, the six decade notches on my yardstick measure wealth well beyond what I could have imagined as a 20 or 30 year old- that of the love from fabulous friends and family.

60th Birthday Party

60th Birthday Party


Susan, Suzan and Liz in Amelia Island

Susan, Suzan and Liz in Amelia Island


Baby Boomer Love

3 Jun

I’m honored and delighted to have my article published in Boomer Cafe’s online magazine today.  Check it out-http://www.boomercafe.com/many-baby-boomers-rarely-stop-nurturing-their-children/



Chocolate Frustration

15 Feb

It’s the day after Valentine’s day.  People awaken today in various states of being-   (1) feeling happy and loved, (2) disappointed, (3) unconcerned since the holiday did not mean much to them,  (4) feeling fat from all the rich food, wine, and chocolate consumed, and/or (5) frustrated.  Yes, I said frustrated.  

Let’s say today (or any other post Valentine’s day) you  tip-toed up to a box of chocolates feeling guilty anticipation at the prospect of beholding orderly rows of delicious delicacies?  Upon raising the lid, however, you discover crumpled wrappers containing half eaten caramels, mauled milk chocolates, and partially nibbled nougats  – sampled and rejected –  leaving these bitten beauties unfit for another’s consumption.  How frustrating!  It might have looked like this – 

Chocolate Frustration

Chocolate Frustration

Birthday Love

15 Jul

As I approach my 58th birthday this week, I’ve been reflecting on all the love in my life. My family has already begun celebrating this seemingly non-significant birthday number. My daughter took me shopping for yoga clothes a couple of weeks ago when she visited. Additional presents were stashed away to be presented on the “actual day”. My son and his girlfriend surprised me with a magical day last Saturday. Knowing I love to “play” (designating time for playfulness is a mantra of Be Brave. Lose the Beige), David took me golfing for a couple of hours. While we were slicing and shanking off the tee, (me not him) my Katie, his girlfriend, spent the entire day creating a family party for me, complete with a glittery banner, super hero capes for our two labradoodles with the numbers 5 and 8 on each, and whimsically wrapped presents. She baked cupcakes from scratch, decorated with pink frosting, infused sugars, and candy toppings. What else could a woman want? Well, my husband saw to it the love continued. He gave me an IPad with “I love you” inscribed on the back.

Friends are planning dinner parties and lunches this week. I’m in awe of this kindness. My heart is filled to the brim with gratitude. We spend so much time avoiding and denying the onset of age. The advantages, however, may outweigh the disadvantages in this march of time. Along the way we acquire more people to love- spouses, children, friends, in-laws, grandchildren. We start with few and end up with many. That is if we allow it. Pause as you draw near your next birthday. Look beyond the wrinkles and joint pain. Reflect on all the love in your life, it makes those worry lines on your face well worth it.