Tag Archives: inspiration

Lady Boomer Love

17 Feb

Be Brave. Lose the Beige is the name of this blog and the name of a group of Lady Boomers with whom I have the privilege of working.  Be Brave. Lose the Beige encourages women to discover their own colorful, creative spirits, and to adopt a more playful attitude in their daily lives.    As evidence of how these women are taking this advice to “heart”, I’m attaching photos of clay creations made by participants at a mini-Valentine’s retreat.  Thank you ladies for agreeing to share these adorable creations.

The Best Ideas Happen in the Shower

28 Oct

Have you ever heard someone say, “I had a great idea when I was taking a shower this morning”? I have heard this expression on countless occasions, so many times in fact I no longer think it’s a coincidence. Let’s face it, it’s one of the only times during our day when we are alone and not being bombarded by sound. We can actually listen to ourselves. Try spending time alone with yourself, minus the cell phone, ipod or television. Our interior selves serve as good guides for making wise choices. Is there any place or time other than the shower where you can hear yourself? Let me know

Take More Showers

1 Sep

Have you ever heard someone say, “I had a great idea when I was taking a shower this morning”? I have heard this expression on countless occasions, so many times in fact I no longer think it’s a coincidence. Let’s face it, it’s one of the only times during our day when we are alone and not being bombarded by sound. We can actually listen to ourselves.  Try spending time alone with yourself, minus the cell phone, ipod or television. Our interior selves serve as good guides for making wise choices. Is there any place or time other than the shower where you can hear yourself? Let me know.


Lose that Beige

5 Aug

Be Brave, lose the Beige is the mantra for ideaLizms, my art-based company.  Losing the beige is not just about color (although I’m crazy about colors..all colors, the more the better) it’s also about empowering your spirit.  Be Brave, lose the Beige is really a life choice.  Beige can sometimes be an accurate description for your life.  I know about this because in my former life (previous marriage) I was beige, wallflower beige.  In my marriage and life now I metaphorically and actually choose color and am much happier and inspired for it.   Speaking of empowerment, here is one of my ideaLizms clay sculptures entitled, “The Power of the Purse” .Power of the Purse