Tag Archives: ideal holiday

Santa’s Tip #6, “Sing at the top of your Lungs”

23 Nov

Day 6 in “Santa’s 12 Tips for Celebrating an Ideal Christmas” is, “Sing Holiday Songs” (see image below for a visual on this tip). This whimsical sculpture features Santa, head thrown back, warbling a favorite Christmas carol. 

This series is about “ideally living” during the holidays. Nostalgia is an element of ideally living. Regardless of whether your childhood was a happy one, there were those moments of excited anticipation as you counted down the days until Santa’s arrival. You can recapture some of those sweet memories by singing familiar favorites like “Jingle Bells” or “Joy to the World”. Go ahead, lose the grown up in you, with all those pesky responsibilities, throw your head back, and with all that childhood gusto, sing “Oh Christmas Tree” at the top of your lungs. (It will make you feel much better about the season.) Go to http://tinyurl.com/ydjde88 to see more of Santa’s 12 tips for an Ideal Christmas.


Do Traditional Things

16 Nov

 Day three in our “Santa’s 12 Tips for Celebrating an Ideal Christmas” series is called “Do Traditional Things”. This whimsical art piece (picture below) features Santa Claus trimming a Christmas tree. Santa’s tip- Trim a real tree this year, not an artificial one.Don’t you love the smell and look of a slightly asymmetrical Christmas tree? In our 12 day pursuit of creating an “ideal” Christmas this year, number 3 is really about making your holiday an authentic one. Check out the sculpture and Christmas cards at http://tinyurl.com/ydjde88 

Color Your Christmas

13 Nov

 Dreading those holiday hassles? While there is so much to enjoy during the holidays – kids coming home, the colorful sights and delicious smells of the season, the anticipation – it can get overwhelming. Today begins 12 days of blog posts featuring my “Santa’s 12 Tips for an Ideal Christmas”. These are clay sculptures I created which have been made into Christmas cards. Go to http://tinyurl.com/ydjde8 to see the sculptures and cards.

The name of my little art company is ideaLizms. ideaLizms inspires and encourages people to live their lives creatively and with fun. So why shouldn’t the holidays be celebrated in the same way?

The first of Santa’s 12 tips (see image below) is called, “Color Your Christmas” and features Santa Claus draped in colorful Christmas Lights, the message being, keep the color and delight in the holiday season. color your christmas 

 Hope your holiday this year is “ideal”.